We are available to help to organize your kitesurfing our club
We are available to help you organize your kitesurfing trip to Naxos, our experience with tourism have many options for you to find easy a hotel or studios for your stay near or onto kitesurf spot direct in our studios and apartments Romanzza & Glyfada Naxos, ferry tickets, taxi or bus transfers , rental car or motorbike,bicycle. Contact us for more info.

Getting Here
There are two basic way to get to Naxos, by sea and by air. Being centrally located in Cyclades, Naxos provides easy access to most of the other Cycladic islands. By sea the most readily available means are those by ferry boat, of which there are two main types:
- The ones that move with a speed of approximately 20 to 25 knots and in most cases carry from 1500 to 2500 passengers and a large number of vehicles. They take approximately 5.5 to 6.5 hours to get to Naxos, depending on weather, the season and the ports of call on the way.
- The faster ferries (including Highspeed and smaller Catamarans) that may reach up to 40 knots and usually carry up to 1000 passengers. Not all of them can carry vehicles. They take approximately 3.5 to 4 hours to get to Naxos, again depending on weather, the season and the ports of call on the way.
- The second major way to make the trip to your great holiday is by airplane. By far the most popular for tourists is the charter flight from their country directly to Naxos, usually by smaller propeller driven aircraft or, a jet flight to Greece’s national airport and take a connecting prop type aircraft to Naxos. It is a good idea to have your local connection flight booked early in advance since things can get very busy during the peak season and seats can be very difficult to book on the connecting flights. There is also the possibility fly to Mykonos or Santorini direct and then take a connecting boat to Naxos that makes approximately ½ to 2 ½ hours depending on the type of ship.